Wow.. what a week..

By lil omm , In , 6:39 PM

"When we move with the flow, rather than resisting it, we are riding on the universal current that allows us to flow with life. "

I would never have guessed that the past week would have panned out this way. I am curious and interested as to why this particular time in my life is so full of change and transition, but it is. I also know that something bigger is happening, something so great on the path is about to unfold.

Tomorrow, 37 weeks, full term with Mr. Milo. And the day will be looking for a new lil omm home, and putting the pieces of our lost lease together, figuring out where lil omm belongs, where baby Milo and I belong. Yes, it's a lot. 

"The flow is always taking you where you need to go. It' s just a matter of deciding whether you plan on taking the ride or dragging your feet."

I am going to take the ride on this one... I am going to CHOOSE to believe in our community that we CAN and will  find each other on the other side and that in life we are only given what we can handle. I know that in this moment, in this time I can panic and freak out and be sad,  ( which I did do and Kate and Meredith had to witness..)  or I can focus on all that we do have, the 7 weeks on V St, the 3 weeks? until the baby comes, and I can just live in this moment.

"Many people live their lives struggling against this current. They try to use force or resistance to will their lives into happening the way they think it should. Others move with this flow like a sailor using the wind, trusting that the universe is taking them exactly where they need to be at all times."

I have faced many challenges in my life and looking back I know how important change and challenge is to growth and expansion.  I am excited about what's the come, because I know it's going to teach me something I have yet to learn... here's to the journey.


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