The Blessingway

By lil omm , 3:34 PM

I'm not the shower type. We didn't have a wedding shower, engagement shower or girly baby shower. So, when it came to baby #2.. I decided to throw myself a Blessingway. What is that? A Native American Ritual to honor and bless the upcoming labor, birth, baby and delivery.

It's a girl fest, a spiritual way for women to pass on their love and knowledge to the mom and baby.
I didn't follow a TRADITIONAL Blessingway Ceremony.. instead I did my own thing.

Gathered 20 something of the most amazing women I knew.. sat in a circle, shared stories of friendship and blessings for Baby Milo, read quotes and poems to inspire. One of the most special elements of the Blessingway was that everyone brought a bead to put together on my birthing necklace ( see above). There were some amazing stories told about the beads, and some are VERY creative ( check out the placenta bead! and the lil omm bead!)  Oh it's amazing.

We ate yummy food.. ( see above.. yes, that's a M for Milo in the center of the pie, surrounded by hearts, thanks KATE) , got to see a beautiful modern dance from Tami ( ha ha) and just enjoyed being together and celebrating this little boy who will be arriving at some point soon...

I didn't leave with piles of stuff. I left with a book of quotes and poems, a  heart full of love , a big old amazing necklace to be treasured, and so much gratitude for all these women who are in my life.


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