Wisdome Midwifery

By lil omm , In , 10:48 AM

Dearest WISDOM Women,

Wanted to remind you that it is the One Year Anniversary of moving our practice to GW!

We are having a party to celebrate our first year and our first 100 births at GW!

Friday, June 17 from 1:00 - 3:00 pm

Courtyard of The George Washington Medical Faculty Associates
(on 22nd Street between Pennsylvania and I, a block from the Foggy Bottom Metro)

See Invitation attached and bring your friends and babies!

We will hang out, have some cake and lemonade, and I will be able to introduce you to the people at GW who have made this happen. I will be giving WISDOM Awards to several of them.  I hope you can join us.  Also let me know if you have time Friday am to help set up for the party.
Here is a reminder about our next event after this:

4th of July Midwifery Float
We are planning to have a Midwifery Float and March in the 4th of July Palisades Parade. The parade is a great time for the families of DC.

More info below and here: http://www.palisadesdc.org/parade.htm

I am hoping that one or several of you will help me organize the WISDOM Women for this fun event.  Let me know if you are interested in helping.
Follow events related to our practice on our blog:


And let me know if you are interested in writing a post or birth story for the blog.


About our 4th of July Midwifery Float
The DC Affiliate of ACNM is hosting a float in the Palisades Community July 4th Parade.

The theme is "WHERE'S MY MIDWIFE?" We are hoping that every practice in the area will be represented by its staff and clients.  We will meet at the start of the parade and march together, with our pregnant ladies! We have a truck (thank you to Erika Sawyer) at our disposal to house an eye-catching centerpiece.  What about a Pregnant statue of Liberty? What about holding a sign that says A Midwife is my right! Belly Casts draped over the truck sides?  Other Ideas are welcome!  Some posters will be available from the Affiliate but we hope that people will be creative in producing their own.  "MY MIDWIFE IS AT GW" "MY MIDWIFE IS AT HOME" "MY MIDWIFE IS AT THE FAMILY HEALTH AND BIRTH CENTER" etc.

The Palisades July 4th Parade is well-known in the city and attended by many more than those who live in the neighborhood.  City officials attend as well as families from all over the city.  This should prove to be a very fun way to promote each of our practices and midwifery care in general in the city.

WISDOM Midwifery Information Email
The George Washington University
Medical Faculty Associates


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