Reflections on Lil Omm: N.T.

By Mama Bear , In , 12:58 PM

For her reflection, N.T. shares a note she sent to Kristin last summer...


It has been amazing to get to know you. I have to tell you, before I started taking your prenatal class, I felt a bit lost and was having trouble engaging/connecting with my pregnancy, and was searching (and longing) for the sense of connection, community and opportunity to fully embrace the amazing things that were taking place inside me. It wasn't until I took your class and joined the lil omm community that I started to feel this connection. The sense of community, love, and encouragement has been amazing. I feel empowered and exhilarated about being pregnant, being a mom, and a woman when I leave your class. You, personally, have had an impact on my life and light, in ways you might not realize. You'll truly be missed, but I know you will go on to inspire others in the same way you inspired me.


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