Reflections on Lil Omm: Becky Wolsk

By Mama Bear , In , 5:20 PM

At first glance, it may seem as though the quotes I've pasted in below are about yoga in general, but I also think these yogic lessons apply to the generous, sharing, free-spirited warmth of Lil Omm. And a quote-list echoes the "Reflections" cubby hole for colorful slips of paper that you maintain in the Lil Omm front room. Those cubby holes for slips of paper remind me of the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. I have a feeling that the reflections people write in your front room are cheerier than the slips of paper that Wailing Wall visitors in need of succor tuck into the dusty, crumbly crevices of the ancient Wall in Jerusalem.

I wouldn't have looked back at this quote collection if you guys hadn't suggested that we submit reflections in honor of your first year anniversary, and this is one of many ways that Lil Omm has supported my yoga and meditation practice. For example, now that I have this list of quotes cut-and-pasted into this email, I'm going to incorporate the quotes into my meditation practice because I'd forgotten that they rock! I hope other clients of yours will use them too if they meditate, or they could just tape them to the dashboard in their car, or the inside of their kitchen cupboard, or above their baby's changing table.

Some of the quotes Becky shared...

1) "Follow your resistance." – Heather Sellers

2) "What a liberation to realize that the 'voice in my head' is not who I am. Who am I then? The one who sees that." -- Eckhart Tolle

3) “Simply watching your reaction makes anything a teaching.” -- Ram Dass

4) "Remind yourself that your emotions are physical in origin, and ignore them."
--maverick writer Jincy Willett in her novel "Winner of the National Book Award"

5) “What you practice gets stronger.” -- Yoga teacher Tom Gillette, and also mentioned in Stephen Cope’s book "The Wisdom of Yoga"

6) "Things fall apart, move on." -- essayist Jan Shoemaker on experiencing her mother's struggle with Alzheimer's.

7) Chrissy Carter (a yoga teacher): "[What] If you maybe just sat down with no agenda"

8) Mark Whitwell (a yoga teacher): "You can stop looking for what is not lost."

Stay tuned...Becky shared many quotes with us and we will share them throughout the month! Thank you Becky for the inspiration...


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