I confess! I confess! I adore Bravo TV. I have a secret passion for finishing my work, closing up the computer, turning off the phone... and sneaking into bed ( with both kids asleep in my room!!!AGH!!)
By lil omm , In parenting , 7:28 PM
I'm actually disappointed. I am REALLY trying not to be. I am trying to embrace where we are, who she is.. and all the things that come along with parenting a 3.5 year old. The good and the bad.
Mainly, I admit it.. my daughter is a sugar, movie, "stuff " junkie.
I remember just a few short months ago.. at DISNEY WORLD.. ( nonetheless) the girl didn't ask for a THING! We took her to a store before we left and said you can pick anything! And I think she picked a sticker or something. Really, she just wasn't interested. When we got back everyone asked how was Disney- and I really remember saying.. it was great, especially b/c she wasn't in the " Can I have... I want.. PLEASE MOMMY" stage.
Now, I am drowning. Everyday from the moment she wakes up, I have to hear " Can I watch a movie? Can I have a special treat? Can I have gum.. how about a Mint? "
"Mom, are we going to the bank today ( b/c they have lollipops! ) "
" One more cookie.. please! PLEASE! "
" Mom, just listen. I DON'T have a small Ariel, I only have a BIG Ariel. I want a small Ariel."
" Mom, PLEASE get me Snow White. I don't have any Snow Whites, except the small Snow White"
This goes on and on and on.. and did I mention she's obsessed with McDonalds. Yes, she is. If she sees the golden arches.. she starts yelling , " I want a HAMBURGER".
I know this is common, I have spent many years around children ages 3-8... it's different now that it's my own children making these demands. And mostly, I'm sad about it. Very naively, I thought my child would be different. That if we allowed certain things sometimes, but not all the time, that she would be cool with it.. so we don't say " NO, NEVER." to most things. We say , "sure, once in a while you can ..." BUT, it's not working...
When she starts yelling at me the things she wants, my heart gets heavy. Slowly, with a calm voice I just remind her of all the good she has. I tell her she has so many things to be grateful for. I just get all mom like and ask her if she appreciates all she has. She doesn't seem to get it. We read stories and sing songs and engage in dialogue together about gratitude. We chant, practice posture and meditate. She has so much. So much love, so much stuff, a full belly, an amazing family and group of friends...
We talk at length about being thankful for what we have and about helping others... about 2 seconds later.. she asks me, "can I watch a movie after dinner?" I 've set boundaries... movies only on weekends. But, she continues to ask. I thought that taking the middle road with tv, sugar, toys, etc would help create a relatively balanced child. I'm learning that she pushes limits. She tests me and my capacity to stay consistent and grounded.
And the lesson? I love that SHE TEACHES ME how to be patient , kind and loving in every situation. that after a HUGE tantrum b/c I won't let her do something.. she crawls in my lap and snuggles me and becomes a baby again, just for a minute.
I have a breathing practice that I have been doing when she gets all loud and tantrumy.. ( is that a word? )
inhale count of 4 - hold count of 7- exhale count of 8 ( repeat 4 times)
seems to be working , at least to cool my system down so I can deal with her demands more rationally.
other tips?
Compassionate Families- Weekend of Camping
By lil omm , In mindful parenting , 7:34 AM
Compassionate Families, practicing nonviolent communication (NVC), mindfulness, consensus-based approaches, unconditional parenting, or a mix of it, are looking to gather for a two-night camping weekend. See details below.
Feel free to forward to friends in the area who you think might enjoy such a weekend!
When: Fri, 10/21/2011 - 3:00pm - Sun, 10/23/2011 - 3:00pm
The Peace Circle, a group of Compassionate Parenting families, is excited to invite families and friends of children to a two-nights/three-days Camping Weekend, October 21-23, 2011 at Greenbrier State Park, MD.
We will be organizing some gatherings and activities throughout the weekend, using open slots of time where anyone who wants can offer any workshops/activities/games or related offers to compassionate parenting, nonviolent communication, mindfulness, etc. Our general dream and intention is to bask in the community of peaceful parenting and conscious living.
Registration Deadline: October 10, spots limited. (Registration is being extended until all spots are filled.)
Please contact Robin O'Brien at robinlea_t@hotmail.com with any questions.
Logistical Details:
Where: Greenbrier State Park, MD, in the Dogwood Loop
When: starts Friday October 21 afternoon/evening - ends Sunday October 23 afternoon.
Available Spots: We have 10 spots currently reserved/paid for, each allowing two small tents/cars or one large tent. Campers are also welcomed.
Greenbrier State Park, MD: Located in the Appalachian Mountains, this state park offers many recreational opportunities. The Appalachian Trail passes through the park. The 42-acre man-made lake and beach draw many visitors who enjoy swimming, canoeing, hiking, picnicking, fishing and hunting. Visit the Greenbrier State Park website for policies and information on pet, boating, hiking, trails, etc...
Greenbrier State Park has a small day-use fee of $3 for visitors.
Cost: it ranges, depending on final number of campers, from $54-$70 for the two nights. Consider contributing to the highest range to cover potential cancellation costs and provide scholarships for those who need financial assitance to attend.
Other Options: consider joining us for one night, or one day only. If more people sign up than our current sites allow, there may be more sites available.
Campground Details and Map: http://reservations.dnr.state.md.us/campgroundDetails.do?contractCode=MD&parkId=380506
Greenbrier State Park cancellation policy: There is a $16 per night ($32/two-nights) cancellation fee if received 24 hour prior.
Sign Say and Play Classes at LO
By lil omm , 5:54 PM
Watch this to learn more about sign language for babies! http://youtu.be/yi4sL3mHw_g
Interested in sign language? Our lil omm teacher, Michelle, shares why it's so important to her and her family.
"After the birth of my first child, Annabelle, I knew immediately that I wanted to teach her sign language. Having a background in ASL, I had heard of how other parents taught their children to sign but I didn't know exactly why or how they did it. Once I started doing my research, I found the Baby Signs Program®. They had everything from books and dvds, to classes that helped families incorporate signing into their lives. They were also the first to be funded by the government to research the benefits of teaching sign language to babies.
I started to teach Annabelle how to sign when she was five months old. One month later, she started to sign MILK! I was so excited and proud of my baby girl. I kept teaching her other signs every day and read her the Baby Signs books and we would watch the dvds together and she learned the sign for MORE and PLEASE. When Annabelle was ten months, she went through her "sign spurt" and learned to sign two new signs a day! Dr. Linda Acredolo and Dr. Susan Goodwyn write about it in their book, Baby Signs, but I never thought that it would happen for us!
I think that the best thing about teaching my daughter to sign was that she was able to communicate with us far earlier than she would have if she hadn't learned to sign. We were able to resolve many situations with ease and I never experience "tantrums" that other parents of older children had warned me about. The best was when my mother-in-law had taken Annabelle to a store to buy clothes, and when they were walking down the aisle Annabelle's eyes lit up as she started signing DOG and pointing. When my mother-in-law looked in the direction that Annabelle was pointing, she saw a tiny book bag with a dog on it. They stopped to look at the bag and talk about the dog that Annabelle found. From that day on, my mother-in-law was even more excited about signing that I was!
When Liam, our second child, turned six months, we started to incorporate signs every day. Annabelle had so much fun sitting alongside him and teaching him the signs that she knew. Signing had turned out to be so much more than just a form of communication for us. Liam is now 20 months old and he is starting to lose his signs now that he is talking, but he still signs when he is very excited or REALLY wants something!
I loved what signing did for my family, so I decided to join the Baby Signs Program® as a certified instructor. I have been blessed to meet many wonderful families and share with them the joys and benefits of signing with their baby. The most important thing that I have gotten out of this wonderful experience is that while we teach our children to communicate with us, we are teaching ourselves to be more aware and mindful of how truly gifted and smart babies are."
Happy Signing,
Michelle Brady
Baby Signs® with Michelle
Baby Signs® Independent Certified Instructor
Serving Fairfax County
"The World's Leading Sign Language Program for Hearing Babies"
Look me up on Facebook: Baby Signs with Michelle
REGISTER TODAY for a 6-week session, which includes a complete Baby Signs® Starter Kit! Baby Signs® Sign, Say, and Play with Michelle Brady will be held every Sunday starting November 6, 2011 through December 18, 2011 from 11:30am-12:30pm at Saffron Yoga (3629 Wilson Blvd near the Clarendon Metro station). lil omm hopes to see you there! Register for Sign, Say, and Play Workshop Here!
A Work In Progress..
By lil omm , In tenleytown , 7:02 PM
My husband is truly a saint. He's been spending the past few days here.. pulling up the OLD carpet that was STAPLED AND GLUED to the floor.. ( and of course the best picture of the space seems to be corrupted and I can't upload it ) But, here are a few..for those who are curious.
childcare room- you can see where mel took the wall down in between 2 smaller offices
the hallway from the reception/kids room- looking into the studio
a view of the studio from the back door.
By lil omm , In tenleytown , 5:08 PM
Check out these pics...
I'll blog about our TRANSOFRMATION to the new lil omm home!
We can't wait.. here we come TENLEYTOWN!
Here's the "before" ....
STAY TUNED for "after"
Itsy Bitsy Babies and MOVERS with Mina!
By lil omm , In itsy bitsy yoga , 4:54 PM
Meet Mina, she has been teaching prenatal yoga at lil omm since April. Lil omm is delighted to offer a 4 week Itsy Bitsy Babies session and 4 week Movers session with Mina for the month of October. IBY Babies with Mina is Tuesdays at 11:00 and Movers (based on Itsy Bitsy Yoga for toddlers) with Mina is Tuesdays at 4. Here are some reflections from Mina on teaching yoga to babies and toddlers.BabiesIt is so beautiful to see new moms interacting with their babies! The love and light that shines forth is inspiring. As a mother of one with one more on the way, I know becoming a mom is a special time in a woman’s life, but it can also be challenging. As an itsy bitsy yoga facilitator I strive to · Facilitate moms/dads/caregivers deepening their bond with their babies,· Show moms/dads/caregivers poses that help to soothe and calm babies, · Show moms/dads/caregivers poses that can alleviate gas in babies,· Provide a beautiful, welcoming community where new parents can connect with other new parents, and· Have fun appreciating and celebrating the beautiful new lives that have been created.It is an honor to teach yoga to expectant moms, and I delight in meeting the sweet little people that attended prenatal classes in utero through Itsy Bitsy Babies classes.ToddlersToddlers are exciting, delightful little people! As the mother of a lively toddler, I know the joy firsthand of watching your toddler face new challenges and master new skills. When I teach Movers I strive to · Provide a safe, positive environment where toddlers can explore movement and learn yoga poses with the support and encouragement of mom/dad/caregiver,· Offer moms/dads/caregivers the opportunity to see a new side of their toddlers’ personality as the toddler learns yoga,· Create opportunities for moms/dads/caregivers to playfully interact with their tots and observe their tots bonding with other tots and learning new skills, and· Facilitate tot parents connecting with other tot parents.Teaching yoga to babies and toddlers allows me to deepen my own yoga practice by seeing yogic philosophy in action. When I am facilitating babies and toddler classes I must be fully present and let go of my expectations. Teaching babies and toddlers allows me to observe how quickly children grown and change, reaffirming the impermanent nature of all life. Thank you lil omm and the beautiful lil omm community for the privilege of teaching yoga to babies and toddlers. I am excited about our October sessions and I look forward to seeing many of you in class! Namaste, Mina
** mina's classes can be found here! click on the workshops tab to register for the session!
itsy bitsy babies and movers classes in Clarendon this fall!
** mina's classes can be found here! click on the workshops tab to register for the session!
itsy bitsy babies and movers classes in Clarendon this fall!
Young Living and Oils in our home..
By lil omm , In workshops , 5:06 AM
DO you want to learn how to take care of your family naturally and with confidence and ease during cold/flu season?
Young Living Essential oils are amazing!
Here's how I used them this week...
1. I put a dab of lavender on some almond oil and gave mr. milo a massage.. yummy! ( have put the peppermint on mel's neck when he's sore from crossfit!)
2. I used the lavender in a saylor's bath along with eucalyptus to create an awesome aromatherapy bath.
3. When I started feeling a cold coming on.. I put a few drops of thieves into my shower and then later, into a small glass of water and drank it! POOF! cold gone!
4. Earlier this summer, I used a combo of oils.. frankincense, lemon, citrus, mixed with sugars and salts to create my own bath products.
I can't wait to learn MORE ways to incorporate these amazing oils into my life!
Essential Oils for Moms and Kids: Easy and Natural Strategies for Health and Prevention Come to this fun, engaging (and great-smelling!) workshop to find out how the oils can help you: • Relieve aches and pains • Heal scrapes and burns – rapidly! • Power up everyone's immune system • Get rid of tummy aches • Prevent colds and flus – and get rid of them easily • Relieve stress and relax (yes, you deserve it!) • Quiet down your baby's crying spells • Help the kids settle down for the night • Relieve and heal the diaper rash • Wake up and get focused – without the coffee! We will talk about choosing the best oils, where to get them, and how to use them safely. Sign Up Here!
Sunday 11/13, my house 3pm... email info@lilomm.com for address
What has yoga Inspired YOU to do?
By lil omm , In inspiration , 6:47 PM
Yoga inspired me to change my life.
Yoga inspired me to change my career.
Once upon a time, I taught little ones in NE/SE DC how to read, play, love, and laugh..
Then yoga inspired me to change the direction of my life by leaving my career in education.
Yoga inspired me to GO FOR IT and leave DC Schools to work for a no name company called lululemon, first part time and then full time as something called a "community leader" .
Yoga THEN inspired me to dream about opening lil omm and having babies. both of which I did in the years that followed.
Yoga has opened my eyes and pinched me to see the light, to unveil, to see my TRUE self and to open up in a blog, and in life to be REAL. To let you all know when I'm scared or happy or unsure...
What has yoga Inspired YOU to do?
Teacher Feature- this one for the prenatal mamas!
By lil omm , In teacher feature , 6:39 PM
Meet.. Shoshana ( and baby #3)
How long have you been practicing yoga?I was introduced to yoga as a child, about 30 years ago. Gradually my practice has deepened, especially in the last three years, since I did my teacher training.How did you get started in yoga and what types have you practiced?I started doing yoga with my mom when I was a kid – she taught me the sun salutations and various other poses. We used to do yoga with my best friend, to a Raquel Welch VHS tape in the ‘80s! In the late ‘90s, as yoga studios proliferated, I tried classes in lots of different styles, and usually found a teacher I liked wherever I was living in some vinyasa style, but never became wedded to any particular style.During the first trimester of my first pregnancy, I was feeling awful and not doing any yoga. A friend sent me Gurmukh’s book “Beautiful, Bountiful, Blissful,” which was my introduction to Kundalini yoga. I was so inspired by it that I wanted to study with Gurmukh, but she was in L.A. and I was in D.C., but I was lucky enough to find a prenatal Kundalini class at a local studio.After that, Kundalini became my main practice, and I did my Kundalini teacher training three years ago. How has yoga influenced your pregnancies?The yogic idea of connecting to a something universal beyond your individual ego was key during my pregnancies. Yoga also gave me physical and meditative practices that helped address and manage the physical and emotional changes of pregnancy. Before I studied Kundalini yoga, my only experience of meditation had been of the Zen variety, (as in the Jon Kabat-Zinn book “Wherever You Go, There You Are”) which I did not find very accessible.Meditation is an integral part of Kundalini yoga, and I found it more accessible because there are thousands of distinct meditations, usually involving a particular eye gaze, hand position, breathing pattern and mantra. They are usually practiced at first for 3 minutes, building up to 7, 11, 22, 31 or 62 minutes. Something you hear a lot in Kundalini classes is “Keep Up” – an encouragement to be your best self and to go a little farther than you think you can. This is great preparation for labor and childbirth!The meditations are often uncomfortable (sometimes involving holding your arms above your head), at least for the first few minutes. What you find is if you stick with it, you get to practice observing your discomfort and your mind’s reaction to it, and then stepping past that reaction by surrendering and opening yourself to whatever sensations you are feeling. If you stick with it beyond where you think you can go, you sometimes move into a place where the meditation becomes manageable, enjoyable and even blissful. Afterwards, you often experience a heightened state of consciousness and connectedness. Being pregnant and giving birth is an opportunity that we only experience a few times, if at all – being present for the entrance of a new soul into the world. Amidst all the discomforts of pregnancy and the hard work of childbirth, it’s easy to forget that that’s what it’s about, but a yoga and meditation practice can open you to that and help you stay connected to it.In pregnancy, it can be easy to push yourself too much and wear yourself out, or to go in the other extreme, wallowing in discomfort and longing only to feel comfortable. For me, yoga helped me find the balance, to listening to myself and my body in pregnancy and childbirth. You have chosen a home birth for 2 of your babies, can you explain why?My mother had natural childbirth experiences (in hospitals), and described them as hard work, but manageable and very positive, so I grew up thinking this was the normal way to do things. My health insurance when I was pregnant the first time gave me two choices – a big hospital or a birth center run by certified nurse-midwives. When I visited the hospital, they told me laboring women were not allowed to eat or drink anything other than ice chips. I found this infuriating, since I am a generally thirsty person and I knew that the nothing-by-mouth policy comes from a time when women were completely sedated during childbirth. When I asked the nurse how they supported natural childbirth, she literally laughed in my face and told me that 90 percent of the women in that hospital immediately got epidurals. Meanwhile, I found that the birth center had been assisting women having unmedicated births for over 20 years with excellent outcomes for mothers and babies, backed up by obstetricians in hospitals for high-risk scenarios. They also had a huge hot tub for laboring in, a comfortable bedroom and a kitchen where you could eat or drink whatever you wanted. For me, that was a lot more appealing!When I switched my care to the midwives, I found them relaxed, compassionate and interested holistically in the physical, emotional and psychological health of my whole family, as opposed to the rushed, somewhat indifferent care I had received from my obstetrician, who seemed mostly interested in telling me what tests we should run. At the time, my insurance didn’t cover home births, only the birth center, and home birth was too unfamiliar to me to be a comfortable choice, but I was intrigued by my midwives’ attitude about it. They said it was no different than having a baby at the birth center (except for the hot tub), and that they would bring with them to a home everything they would have at the center.My first labor was relatively short (too short to even use the hot tub by the time I got there), and afterwards the midwife suggested that I consider a home birth the next time. After experiencing childbirth, the idea of a home birth was less intimidating. By the time I was pregnant again, I had also moved farther away from the birth center, and changed insurance, so I decided to try it. It was also appealing to me since my older child was very attached to me and I thought she would have an easier time adjusting to her new sibling if she was included in the birth. I had a great home birth experience – it was lovely not having to go anywhere before or after the birth (other than to the pediatrician a few days later). I also felt it was very important for my kids’ relationship that my oldest felt included in the experience – from the beginning she has felt like a partner in helping to bring up her brother. How has/does yoga influence your parenting?Yoga helps me stay in the moment and appreciate and enjoy my life instead of living in the past or future. Yoga helps me cultivate the “yogi mind” -- a place from which I can observe, appreciate and feel gratitude for whatever’s going on, or find the lesson in it, or find the humor in it. I think before I studied yoga I didn’t differentiate between whatever my instinctual reaction was and all the other choices I had, if I could just pause long enough to get some perspective. Yoga reminds me to stay connected to my breath, and to always seek my higher self rather than staying mired in emotional reactions. I find the more I do yoga the more I remember to slow down and enjoy my children and savor my time with them instead of getting bogged down in the stresses of the day-to-day. Favorite yoga pose? breathing technique?At the moment, being pregnant, I am enjoying half dog and cat-cow a lot and alternate nostril breathing.When not pregnant, sun salutations are key to my morning, as is Ego Eradicator (a seated Kundalini posture with arms raised, doing breath of fire.) I also can’t wait to get back to stretch pose (another Kundalini posture that builds core strength) after I have this baby! What do you find most relevant during birth in relation to your yoga practice? What have you used in yoga to help in labor? give us some tips!Labor can be like a long meditation – so it helps if you have practiced surrendering to discomfort during meditation. In a strange way, labor is easier than meditation, because you can’t really run away from it. If you really acknowledge what’s happening, the easiest path is forward, even though it’s challenging. You can always make an excuse and run away from your meditation practice, but once you go into labor, everything is moving towards you having the baby, even if you try to avoid it. And what you find is that once you accept and surrender to what’s happening, instead of resisting, something shifts and a path opens, just like in yoga and meditation Labor is also the ultimate opportunity to surrender to the moment and breathe through it. When it gets difficult, you can put it into practice your “yogi mind,” which observes from a more neutral place the messages your mind is sending you: “This hurts,” “I’m scared,” etc. You practice compassionately acknowledging whatever thoughts and feelings come up, but you don’t hang on to them, you let them flow in and out. It’s also good practice for parenting – you can be present and compassionate in the same way with your children when they are in pain, scared, etc., without going off into your own anxiety, and they will find this calming and comforting. Childbirth is also the ultimate opportunity to listen to your body, because labor is an instinctual process, and the more you get your mind out of your body’s way, the better things progress. When I had my son I remember moving through a number of positions before pushing, and at first I remember feeling discouraged that nothing felt right. Finally, I found the right position (squatting with my husband supporting me) and it just felt like everything clicked – of course this was the way this particular baby needed to come out. That’s not to say it wasn’t still very challenging to push him out, but beneath that challenge I had the comfort of knowing this was the best possible way forward.
what I know.. an LO update
By lil omm , In lil omm events , 4:43 PM
I'm learning to let go. Everyday I practice letting go of expectations and what I think "should" happen. Having a baby, closing 1 studio location, opening satellite classes, and trying to open another location are nothing short of life at it's most intense. All in a good way. You have to understand, that I love lil omm ( I'm a bit of a work-a holic) and there's nothing else I would rather do than plan what this "home base" is going to look like, feel like and BE. The only problem is.. it's not really working at the same PACE that I like.. which is FAST, Fast, FAST... so I will continue to practice letting go and I WILL return to my mat, each day
( even for 5 minutes) to breathe... and be aware of all the gifts that come, each day...
Here's what I DO know..
At some point in the next 6 months.. lil omm will open its doors in Tenleytown, DC and our amazing thriving and vibrant community will be together again.
Here's what I DON'T know..
When exactly that date will be. I pray that it will be WAY before 6 months.. and more like 1 month or maybe even 2 but if I say 6 .. then I will be excited when we open way before that...
Here's what I DO know..
We still have great classes running, with great teachers and in new locations! So there's some lil omm love spreading around the city..
Here's what I DONT KNOW..
What the new space will look like.. meaning the paint on the walls, choosing a floor, removing ceiling tiles, and putting in new lights...as we still have yet to move into our lil omm studio. I dream of making it "perfect" ( what does that mean anyway) for you .. and know that as soon as we can, we'll be over there getting it ready.
What I do know..
You can stay connected and share the lil omm love at 2 events this weekend/next week but event are at my house!
EssentialOils for moms/kids ( and everyone!) to stay healthy Sunday at 1pm.
*I'm super excited about this b/c I use oils ALL the time.. and I've wanted to share my love for them, and found the amazing Izabella to teach this class...
Momme Meals Tasting PARTY!
*Come to a free lunch at my house on Tuesday at 11:30am( with your kids, of course!) to taste yummy healthy foods from momme meals.
More info can be found on both there events here .
In the meantime.. I'll hang with these guys and hope to announce an Open House Date soon.. Stay Tuned and thanks for listening.. and staying part of our family.

Prenatal Partner Yoga Poses! Enjoy!
By lil omm , In prenatal yoga , 10:29 AM
This was super fun to make- thanks Kate for being my partner and Shoshana for taking the photos !
lil omm Mamas Rock- Julie Kubal Photography
By lil omm , In community , 4:09 PM
I recently met with old Holistic Mama friend, Julie Kubal who is also an amazing photographer. ..
We came up with a lot of ideas for ways to work together and to bring her gorgeous photos to the LO families.. I am REALLY looking forward to our photo shoot ( coming soon!) I can't wait to see how she captures Saylor and Milo's spirit....
Awesome Seminar on Health and Wellness.. for free!
By lil omm , In community events , 6:47 AM
Check this out! an AWESOME wellness seminar is giving away scholarhsips for this weekends conference at Georgetown U! For more info..
*MY FRIEND JILL is helping to spread the word and has Scholarships ( 20!!!) to give away.. email her or mention scholarship at registration.. Jill Minneman
hope to see you there!!
Look at the AGENDA!
7:00 AM | Check-In |
8:30 AM | WELCOME AND PROGRAM INTRODUCTION: Doro Bush Koch, Tricia Reilly Koch, Dean Robert Manuel, Georgetown University, School of Continuing Education |
SESSION ONE | THE POWER OF POSSIBILITIES: Dr. Richard H. Carmona, Vice Chairman, CEO Health Division, Canyon Ranch; 17th U.S. Surgeon General. Dr. Carmona will focus on shifting the paradigm of healthcare from treatment to prevention, stressing that lifelong healthy living is a key component of medical care. Passionate about eliminating health disparities, he will discuss the importance of education among the American public on health issues so that they can make informed choices. |
SESSION TWO | NUTRITION 101: Johnny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S. Jonny Bowden´s practical advice will emphasize natural healing, diet, fitness, and nutritional foods and how incorporating them into your daily life is easier then you think. He will give us advice from his numerous New York Times Best-Seller, including The 150 of the Healthiest Foods, The Healthiest Meals on Earth and The Most Effective Ways to Live Longer. GET UP AND MOVE! Five minute quick stretch |
SESSION THREE | SO YOU THINK YOU´RE DOING WHAT IT TAKES TO BE HEALTHY?: Dr. Michael Roizen, Physician, Chief Wellness Officer, Cleveland Clinic, Creator of the Real Age concept and NYT’s bestselling Author of the YOU series. Dr. Roizen will cover a wide range of topics, from the importance of maintaining a healthy weight as we age, to the prevention of aging through simple (but persistent) changes in lifestyle. He will also focus on the implementation of his RealAge concept into everyday life. These Topics stem from the many common questions he is asked as Chief Wellness Officer at the Cleveland Clinic. |
12:15 PM | LUNCH TIME Bring your mat for yoga with Beryl Bender Birch 12:45. Be back at your seats by 1:20 p.m. |
SESSION FOUR | TREATING MOOD DISORDERS, ANXIETY, AND ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER WITHOUT MEDICATION: Dr. Robert Hedaya, Georgetown University. More and more, health care providers rely on medications for treatment of depression, anxiety and Attention Deficit Disorder. Yet these medications much if not most of the time work partially, at best. In addition, there are frequent side effects, both in the short term and long term. Dr. Hedaya will explore cutting edge, science based tools, used in the Whole Psychiatry model, which allow people to achieve better mental (and physical!) health, with less medicine. |
SESSION FIVE | SAVING THE PLANET (AND OURSELVES!) – ONE BREATH AT A TIME: Beryl Bender Birch, Director/Founder, The Hard & Soft Yoga Institute, Author of Power Yoga, Beyond Yoga and Boomer Yoga. Beryle will show you by slowly learning to pay attention, through the practice of movement, breathing, and meditation, we can begin to quiet our noisy brain, see more clearly, turn on the relaxation response, deal with our high-stress culture, and become happier, healthier, calmer, more content, and more conscious. |
SESSION SIX | REFLECTIONS ON THE ART OF LIVING AND HEALING: Dr. Bernie Siegel, Physician and Author of Love, Medicine and Miracles. Dr. Siegel will reflect on the art of living and healing. He will discuss his experiences over the last 30 years with people who are confronting life´s physical and emotional challenges. Survival behavior patterns will be outlined, as well as the role of love, hope, humor, spirituality, desire and intention. The interplay of mind and body memories, thoughts, feelings and their role in our life and health will be discussed. |
4:15 pm CLOSING REMARKS | CLOSING REMARKS AND ACTION PLAN FOR PARTICIPANTS Doro Bush Koch, Tricia Reilly Koch, and Therese Burch |
lil omm mamas ROCK... The Baby Planner
By lil omm , In Baby Stuff , 6:11 PM
I think Kim Palmer is great.
Here's why..
not only is she a lil omm mom, but she also writes about financial planning for young adults
( AWESOME) AND NOW.. planning for a baby.
I REALLY wish that I had this baby planner when I was pregnant with Saylor.. I think it could have helped put into perspective all the costs associated with having a baby so that I could make decisions about where I wanted to spend my money and what was important to me.. this is a GREAT shower gift or new baby gift as well.
A link to her book
An Awesome FREEBIE!
Here's where you can get the planner..
"Run Mama Run"
By lil omm , In Running , 7:18 PM
It's heavy. It's slow and it's really not pretty.
ME- back out there on the sidewalks of DC, jogging ( walking quickly) , trying to run, trying to MOVE my body! AGH!!!!
I love to run. I love to run outside . But these days.. it's just not coming so easily.. I always have the jogging stroller out and there is always someone attached to it ( our dog, Miller, the car seat with Milo) or Saylor inside reading a book, singing me a song or yelling "run mama run" .. I tell her "I'm trying". She says "go faster" .. I tell her " I'm trying!!"
The thing is .. I was NOT always a runner, by any means. As a child, I was overweight and very tall. Growing up, sports were not my thing. Meaning.. I WAS ALWAYS LAST! last to be picked.. last to run the 600 on field day and then later in life, last for the timed mile. All of that made me very, very sad, and really hate running. Embarrassed really.
Fast forward many years.. and I find yoga , I quite the gym and all the sudden I have this ENORMOUS desire to run outside. Shortly after that I signed up for my first half marathon and started training. I took it very seriously and I "learned" to run. ever since then, I have enjoyed outdoor jogging. I don't compete with anyone, I just enjoy my breath and movement linked, the outdoor air.. it's really great without a jogging stroller as well.. but I have not done that in so long I don't even remember!
Now, I am working on getting this baby weight off. It's really tough. I feel like EVERYONE I know who has had their 2nd ( or 3rd) baby looks amazing right after the baby, and looses all the weight SO FAST. I am really struggling with the extra pounds b/c it's making my jogging MUCH slower , much heavier, and hurting my knee :( Not to mention the extra pounds in my yoga practice.. plow pose is VERY interesting..
I know in time, it will pass, the weight will come off, and I will feel like myself, in my body again... "9 months on , 9 months off" they say...
Next weekend, I'll be walking in honor of a dear, dear person who is no longer with us.
PLEASE come walk/Run/Jog.. (whatever ) with me , next weekend, in honor of Jayna Murray.
How I do love change..
By lil omm , In inspiration , 4:56 PM
And it's in the air. I don't know if it is at home in DC.. b/c I have been in New England for 2 weeks, and all of the sudden we have cool nights and shorter days. feels kind of sudden.. but there's been 2 weeks of family, sunshine, beaching, eating, relaxing, walking, biking, short sessions of yoga on the deck and longer classes at the Yoga Room.. and it's all coming to an end. I know we'll be back next year and I 'll get to visit my favorite places, beaches, shops.. so I'm not too sad. And honestly, I LOVED this break and this time my family gave me ( watching the kids, A LOT) but I'm ready to get home and get into our new routine. I LOve Change..
Milo is 8 weeks. I'm coming out of the "haze" of newborns.. moving into our new family dynamic, our new yoga studio and a new lightness in my heart. I don't know if it's vacation high or just a sense of "I can do this" b/c of the amazing people in my life.. but I have spend the past 2 weeks- in this VERY quiet and remote house on an island.. realizing how much I love my "work" , love to work, love to connect with other moms, love to practice and STUDY yoga, love my children, miss my husband and dog, and just in general- fully embracing and awake to this amazing life.
It WASN'T a given. it wasn't a given that I would spend 2 weeks on an island with my family, as a routine or that I would start my own business and have amazing people join the team, amazing families practicing yoga with us, and that the full expression of this life, for me , in the is body.. is fully integrated. It WASNT a given. I wasn't "born this way" in fact, my dad and I had a talk about the darker days earlier tonight. All of these "things" these choices and blessings have come into my life AS A RESULT OF HARD, HARD work and struggles. This is NOT the place to get into it all... but let's just say I've had my fair share of exposure to addictions, heartache, depression, obesity, and a bit of just general craziness.. until I found my way. Until I found the teachings, the postures, the healing and did the work, put in the hours... I've been reading Ana Forest's book- and she talks openly and honestly about her struggles.. I think it's important to be real.
Why now? I believe we ALL have a chance to create, mold and VISUALIZE the life we want to lead. We have the power in this moment, in this time to CHANGE our path, our course the direction of our life. There's a beautiful documentary coming out about Women and YOga coming out.. that inspired me to write this blog post.. http://www.yogawoman.tv/the-film
I want people to see it and SEE what yoga can do to help change the world, one WOMAN at a time.. I challenge all of us to move into Fall, more loving, compassionate and kind to ourselves and to others.
Amy Dara's Favorite Studios!
By lil omm , In studios , 2:43 PM
OM Yoga Center in NYC. This is my hOMe! I have been studying with Cyndi Lee and David Nichtern since OM's inception in 1998. (Pssst... They're coming to DC March 9-11 2012 to give a yoga and meditation workshop!)
Yoga Bindu Barcelona, Mandiram Yoga - both are in Barcelona, Spain. Yoga Bindu is very inexpensive (only 5 Euros for a drop-in!) with vinyasa, acro-yoga, restorative, led ashtanga and hatha yoga. Mandiram Yoga offers vinyasa yoga. Both have a gorgeous space and a warmly welcoming sangha (community).
Michelle's Inspired by BLOOMA!
By lil omm , 2:15 PM
Bellies and Babies = Blooma!
I have a confession to make. I have been endlessly inspired by a yoga studio I have never even set foot in. And while that may seem weird, thanks to the power of the internet and the beauty of blogs I can learn and explore and soak in the vibe of an amazing studio with wonderful offerings. Blooma Yoga Studio is located in St. Paul, Minnesota (and they have 2 other locations as well) and is primarily a prenatal/postnatal/kids and family yoga studio. While they do offer adult classes, the true essence of the studio, as it seems to me, is to support new moms as they practice while pregnant, and then with their babies, and then with their young kids, and eventually on their own (that is a sweet moment to return to!) They offer wonderful wellness and educational programs, such as childbirth education, breastfeeding support, new mom support groups, and so much more.
If this all sounds vaguely familiar to you (lil omm, anyone?) that's because this studio has offered an inspiration and a foundation for what Pleasance and the teachers hope to create for our community here in D.C.and the metro area. Sarah Longacre, the owner of Blooma is a doula and a prenatal and postnatal instructor and most recently, the star of the Blooma Be Well lovely prenatal yoga DVD. Her love for mamas and their babies is apparent in her teaching and in the community and events that she has created.
And if you happen to be addicted to birth stories, their blog is an endless stream of joy for you to get your "fix."
As a prenatal yoga teacher, I LOVE being involved with, and hopefully a resource for, the birthing community. I plan to continue studying, growing and evolving as a teacher in this specific area of interest. So while I may not make it to Minnesota any time soon (especially not in the winter!), I take joy and comfort in knowing that I can always pop in for a "visit" to Blooma remotely and take tidbits of inspiration and information with me along the way. I hope you visit them too and get inspired!
Sonja's Favorite Studios
By lil omm , In Studios , 1:47 PM
1) Easton Yoga (Easton, PA)
I completed all four modules of my Max Strom 200hr teacher training at Easton, Yoga. It's a small town, the kind where everyone knows each other, and very quaint. The studio owner, Alicia Rambo-Wozniak, is a beautiful, exceptionally kind person who runs a studio that has clearly become many Eastonians' second home. There are a variety of classes, including belly dancing, and many great teachers come through the studio (including Jamie Elmer, who teaches the anatomy segment of Max's training). Massage therapy is also offered. Alicia lives right above the studio in an amazing apartment, where she makes delicious treats that she serves at the front desk of the studio. It's a really wonderful experience, and the student body is unique and so welcoming. It's yoga at it's best.
2) Yoga High (New York, NY)
I went to school in NYC and my parents just recently moved up there, so I visit regularly and constantly check out new studios. Out of all the places I've tried, Yoga High is my favorite. Great classes, with an even pace and calming energy. Not overcrowded at all, which is important in the hustle and bustle of NYC. The teachers are kind, knowledgeable and helpful. No scary adjustments, and a very encouraging, safe environment. Mel Russo is all smiles and so much fun in the classroom. Definitely check it out!
The Yoga Room, Nantucket wth PICS!
By lil omm , In Yoga Studios , 3:30 PM
For the past several years, one of my favorite parts of our annual summer vacation to Nantucket is to take yoga classes from Paul. He's one of the main teachers here on the Island, and he's fabulous. He really is a wealth of information! I have brought my uncles, step mother and aunt to his classes and have followed him to the 3 studio spaces where he teaches. Tonight, I made my way back hOMe to the Yoga Room. I forgot how lovely this place is, how much I look forward to it's cottage -like space , and how amazing it was to actually take a class ALONE ( sans children!!) It was the first one I remember in a very, very long time.
I am actually SHOCKED at how much work, planning and support from family I needed in order to make this YIN class with Paul happen.
1. pump plenty of milk all day for milo so I could leave for 2 hours.
2. make sure Saylor had a plan she was happy with while I was gone. Today, it was watch little mermaid with her cousins, aunts and uncles, everyone who was watching her so I could go to class. This was NOT as simple as it sounds.. b/c she wanted to watch in the bedroom, then the living room, just with uncle Alex and then with the cousins.. get my point?
3. Prepare myself for my first official class back and LET GO OF THE GUILT I was feeling as we pulled away. It was only 2 hours and the children were SURROUNDED by relatives to take care of them.. so why did I feel so guilty?
I took my aunt and uncle to class and it was so great to do this with them, spend time with them in such a special and sacred place for me.
I have another 5 days here on the island and hope to see and study with Paul at least 2 more times before I leave. I am sure it will be easier now that I have made the leap - back to adult classes.
A Love Letter to Lil Omm by Pam..
By lil omm , In community , 9:45 AM
Dear Lil Omm,
Thank you for being so much more than a yoga studio. You are an incredible community of inspiring women, men and children. I had the opportunity and pleasure to experience your beauty from a variety of angles: as a student, as a teacher and finally, on the administrative side, as a manager. The view from each angle was breathtaking.
As a student, I saw beginner and seasoned yogis coming together as one curious, enthusiastic, supportive group. It never ceased to amaze me how comfortable I felt being myself within the confines of your pink walls, free to explore my body and my mind, led by a knowledgable and creative teacher. Before and after classes, I looked forward to the warm greetings and conversations that always took place among and between students and staff.
As a teacher, I saw the care and passion that went into the planning of every class, of every event, of every day from my fellow teachers, and most of all, from our incredible leader, Pleasance. I saw powerful, strong women from a variety of backgrounds, in a variety of situations, working together to manage and balance the struggles and the beauty of being a friend, a wife, a girlfriend, a mom and a daughter. I saw them transcend boundaries to provide support and love when support and love were needed by others and to ask for support and love when support and love were needed for themselves. I saw them selflessly check their own trials at the door in order to provide a nurturing home for the women, men, and children who looked to them for relief from life's stresses.
As a manager, I had the privilege of seeing how much hard work, love, and dedication went in to making Lil Omm the home it truly is. I saw how, with constant mindfulness, honesty, and humanity, a business could become a community, a family, a way of life that could be endlessly fulfilling.
Throughout my adult life, I've struggled with all of the competing images of what being a woman means in this society. From the students, the teachers, and the amazing Pleasance, I've begun to see the various examples of womanhood in our society as beautiful and inspiring. I no longer feel the pressure (most of the time!) that there is one right way to be a "successful" woman, but instead see that there are a plethora of ways to incorporate womanhood and femininity into my life and that they can all be beautiful parts of a "right" me.
As Lil Omm prepares to move, just down the road, to a new space, and as I prepare for a new journey in my own professional life, I wanted you, the extraordinary Lil Omm community, to know how much you mean to me, how important you've been in my life, and how much I love you. I am inspired and humbled by your beauty.
Thank you for everything you have given me so far. I look forward to all that is yet to come!
LO in Clarendon/Arlington starting Sept 6
By lil omm , In Clarendon , 5:34 AM
*****lil omm to offer yoga for the whole family in Arlington Starting Sept 6***
lil omm will launch its first Virginia classes in Clarendon this fall with playtime classes for the whole family, postnatal yoga, Itsy Bitsy Yoga and yoga for toddlers and preschoolers.
Drop-in classes begin September 6, 2011
• 9:30 - 10:30 am - adult yoga PLAYTIME ( all ages welcome) see our blog post on playtime to learn about this class! Watch the video on our playtime classes here!
• 11:00 am - noon - postnatal mom & baby
• 9:30 - 10:30 am - adult yoga PLAYTIME
• 9:30 - 10:15 am - lil omm Movers, crawling babies to 2-year-old toddlers with parent or caregiver
• 10:30 - 11:15 am - lil omm Preschoolers, 2- to 4-year-old children with parent or caregiver
• 11:30 - 12:15 am - Itsy Bitsy Yoga for Babies, newborn to pre-crawling babies with parent or caregiver
• 9:15 - 10:15 am - Prenatal yoga
• 10:30 - 11:15 am - lil omm Movers and preschoolers! crawling to 4 years old with parent or caregiver
All September classes are drop-in. But space is limited, so reserve in advance online.
**Expanded schedule and sessions will begin in October.
Arlington classes are held in the Saffron Yoga studios near the Clarendon Metro stop at 3260 Wilson Blvd. FREE PARKING!
What is adult yoga PLAYTIME?
Adult Yoga PLAYTIME is a energetic vinyasa flow class that everyone can enjoy, children can join in the flow or play with others in the playroom while mom and/or dad get a challenging work out. Join us for this invigorating and cleansing practice that the whole family can enjoy as you recharge for a new week. Adults and Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers, and children (all ages welcome, all levels of experience). Sweet video: http://lilomm.blogspot.com/2011/08/playtime-yoga.html
lil omm Movers, Preschoolers, and Itsy Bitsy Baby Yoga
Children derive many of the same benefits from yoga that adults do. These classes are focused on them. Yoga class for babies, toddlers and preschoolers help increase strength and flexibility, improve body awareness, and relaxation. Yoga encourages children to move creatively in a noncompetitive environment while honoring each child's unique expression of the poses and having fun with other children and their parent or caregiver.
Reserve your space now or find out more about lil omm's Friday and Saturday classes for children from newborn to age 4.
For even more information, check out the lil omm website or email info@lilomm.com.
lil omm is a community dedicated to engaged, inspired and connected families! From the womb to the wisdom years, we offer more than yoga. Our mission is to create a place where everyone can learn and grow. lil omm is excited to offer its first Virginia classes this fall, including our signature PLAYTIME class for the whole family.
thoughts from an "inspired place"
By lil omm , In community , 6:05 PM
I wrote this a few weeks ago.. I'm away now, not as close to the space as I was when I wrote this. It was quite a special place.. that V St.. and I look forward to what the future holds for us. love and light to you all-
"I'm here now, alone.
Actually, I came to clean up a bit and of course Milo woke to nurse. So while nursing him at the desk, the lil omm slide show of opening day pictures, itsy bitsy yoga baby pictures and prenatal yoga pictures opens on the computer while I am sitting here looking around. It's so quiet right now. I can hear the vacuum from Blacksalt. My mind floods with memories of families and friends who have come in these doors, shared yoga and a smile. Opening day pictures , a smiling Kristin, teaching a crowded room, Rebecca, Lisa and Oliver, ( saw them today) Dan , Dana and Jake ( saw them yesterday), Jessica and Annie ( just had their 2nd baby last month, Saba) , and a host of other smiles crowd the screen.
Then baby Elisa pops up, her mom, Erika took prenatal yoga classes at Gtown lulu and then IBY babies with Elisa for many, many sessions.. looking at Elisa so small, when I just saw her running around Guy Mason Park last week, I can't belive it! I think my favorite thing about lil omm is the progression that WE get to observe.. typically.. first time new mama comes in for prenatal, stays for a few Itsy Bitsy Yoga Sessions before they head back to work, and then we see them at MOVERS on the weekends or Adult Yoga for themselves.. it's amazing to share in these most special years with families. To see the ENGAGED , INSPIRED AND CONNECTED Washington DC families..
Allie, Michael and Tristan, Jeff, Rhea and Sloane, Stacy, and Charlie, Janet, Courtney, Jamie, Melanie, Mary Ann and Mack, Elizabeth, Anne and Rose, Jennifer and Catalina, Lucia and Amy, Charlotte, Emily, Abigail, Marion,.... the list goes on and on.. of people WHO HAVE COME AND TOUCHED MY LIFE. I know this space was the perfect home for us for the year and a half. I know we did great things here.. ZUMBA, meditation with Hugh Byrne.. hosting Karen Maezen Miller, our anniversary party, kids classes, birthday parties for friends and neighbors. ( Jonah, Magda, Saylor, Baker)
It's with GREAT PRIDE and LOVE that I look forward to our new space, our new growing family and more yoga, more love and to see you all. You bring so much light to my life, to Saylor's life and now to Milo.
lil omm at home.. with Kate!
By lil omm , In family , 11:30 AM
From lil omm's beloved itsy bitsy babies and adult yoga teacher.. Kate! Check out the adorable video or her and Julia.
"After a few weeks of heading to Brandice's morning Playtime classes, I started noticing that my little one was doing a lot more yoga, bringing it into her play. But I was really surprised when we were tinkering with the video on my iPad last week and I suggested we sing a song. She stood up, and well, you can see the rest here (our second or third take). It's a perfect example of why Playtime is for grown ups AND the little ones. She gets to see me in action, observe, and find ways to explore it on her own - all at her own pace. Not to mention that it has amazing effects on my own home practice, giving me a chance to learn from her and come back to a beginner's mind. To bring OM into the home? Pure joy, love, and sweetness. XO
Class Locations and Sept Schedule
By lil omm , 7:13 AM
Hey friends of lil omm,
All of our Sept schedule is up on our live active website..
if you go to the day/week you are looking for you can what classes are being offered and where!
As we prepare to move out of V st and into Tenley town later in the fall! It's so very exciting!
Please feel free to email info@lilomm.com for more information, questions, comments or concerns or Private classes.
I am SUPER excited about our workshop offerings at my house.. Momme meals tastings AND an essential oils class for families.. check these events out!
cant wait to see you soon!
love, pleasance and the lil omm teachers
Allay Yoga
By lil omm , 5:56 PM
Our dear friend and teacher, Pam has made the move to Yoga Studio owner! She is opening her new studio in Kensington, MD over labor day weekend. She has great class offerings and DOGA ! ( yoga for dogs) so be SURE to check out her space, classes and many of our lil omm teachers will be on the schedule so be sure to check them out!
We are also co hosting some really cool lil omm style classes for all you MO. CO lil omm followers!
Lil Omm will be offering two 6-week sessions at Allay Yoga starting this September! Join us for Movers, Tuesdays 10:30-11:30, September 6-October 11 and for Baby + Me, Wednesdays, 11:00-12:00, September 7-October 12. Cost: $120 for 6-week session or $25 drop-in per family. To register, please visit Allay Yoga's website allayyoga.com. For questions or additional information, email info@allayyoga.com. Allay Yoga is located in historic Kensington, Maryland at 10419 Armory Avenue, Kensington, MD 20895.
We wish Pam the best of luck on her NEW Yoga Space!
By lil omm , In featured class , 7:06 PM
What is Adult Yoga Playtime... you ask??
Here you go.. it's a fabulous way for you to connect with yourself and your children AND the community!
the best part is..
1 child = $20 drop in
2 children= $20 drop in
3 children=$20 drop in!
Come Join US!
Sleeping in the car!
By lil omm , 4:50 PM