lil omm at home.. with Kate!

By lil omm , In , 11:30 AM

From lil omm's beloved itsy bitsy babies and adult yoga teacher.. Kate! Check out the adorable video or her and Julia.

"After a few weeks of heading to Brandice's morning Playtime classes, I started noticing that my little one was doing a lot more yoga, bringing it into her play. But I was really surprised when we were tinkering with the video on my iPad last week and I suggested we sing a song. She stood up, and well, you can see the rest here (our second or third take). It's a perfect example of why Playtime is for grown ups AND the little ones. She gets to see me in action, observe, and find ways to explore it on her own - all at her own pace. Not to mention that it has amazing effects on my own home practice, giving me a chance to learn from her and come back to a beginner's mind. To bring OM into the home? Pure joy, love, and sweetness. XO


Michelle said...

that is so stinkin cute! i feel more peaceful already....

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