Yep, it happened.

By lil omm , 6:32 PM

in my inbox, this arrived. just what I needed today. .. I spent ALL day rushing. to a playdate, to the studio, to the doctor, to the laundry, to saylor, to get on the phone, to get off the phone, to get to work , to spend time with my kids, to walk the dog, to workout, to sit down, to be quiet, to rest, to work, to plan...all for the future. all for what is to come....

The rest is easy
Let the future come to you. – Momma Zen

The future haunts these dwindling days of summer. Around the corner, school starts, if it hasn't already. Ready or not comes the rush and tumble of fall, the holidays – bam! – and the year's over. Or at least, we live that way. Are you living that way today? Racing toward the end of something? Getting ahead of yourself?

My daughter turned 12 last week. Yes, the baby in the book turned 12. She said to me "Mom, this year has gone by so fast!" Then I knew she had merged into the fast lane, the lane I'm trying to exit, where the days whirr past the window like tumbleweeds.

Here is your invitation to slow down for a day, to focus on the scenery and not the road. Ready or not the future always arrives on schedule. And this way, you might notice what is right here.

Mother yourself – Do you give yourself permission to rest?
Look at me – "What have you done with your life?"
Making a pie – The principal ingredient to human healing.
Taking some shots – Before the bus comes.
Showing up – To right here.

- Karen Maezen Miller

the bottom line is , there's nothing I would rather do. YES, I am overwhelmed right now, today, but it will pass, all in preparation for our family vacation, all in trying to plan and schedule yoga classes around town, provide support and community for our amazing students and teachers ( clarendon! Gtown! Glover PArk! Tenley!) . there is NOTHING I would rather do.. so even when I hear myself rambling, short tempered, exhausted .. I smile to myself. bring myself back into the present moment, BACK to reality. "look at this amazing washing machine and dryer that I am so lucky to have filled with clothes for my beautiful ( messy!) children.  look at my incredibly packed day filled with people I love, food that's delicious, and too many blessings to count". I re- focus, re- energize and create a new plan, back on track. Today I had to do 2 things I don't like doing.. reschedule a few meetings , and get off the phone b/c of a crying Saylor. And you know what, life went on.. I will reschedule, people will understand. This 2 kids, running a yoga studio thing is tough, no doubt and filled with many more days/words and experiences I do not even know yet that we are going to have... but it's all good. I am going to ask for help, I am going to take a break when I need to and read to SAylor, and hug mr. milo, and be a mom, and work out ( for 14 mins today!) and then get online and work my butt off to create the most AMAZING yoga home for families in Washington, DC. 


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