Strength and Surrender

By lil omm , 5:39 PM

She's so very strong.. stronger than I thought I was or could be. She knows CLEARLY what she wants and what she doesn't and she tells us everyday. She boldly states her opinion with no fear or anxiety or restraint.  She is almost 3 and is fiercely sweet and strong. She will whisper, " mama, you know what? you know what? I love you." and make me melt and in no time at all she will yell, scream, kick, and yes..  bite over what shoes, coat , pajamas to wear that day. She will play the kissing game where she takes your face in her hands and kisses you on the lips over and over and over, until everyone is in giggles and in the next minute she's yelling, "no, no, no, no" and hiding all over the house. She is almost 3 and she is FULLY playing the part of the ups and the downs and I really feel like I get to experience the ride each day. She's so FULL OF LIFE in both extremes. I held her tonight,  rubbing her head snuggling check to check before bed so full of love for this little life. So full of joy that I get to raise her  and be with her EVERYDAY.. highs or lows, goods or bads, ups or downs, she's with me. Inside and outside..

My Saylor girl is my lil omm. The reason I NEED this community in my life, a place to practice yoga,  this safe place to talk about balance, our sanity, potty training, sleeping through the night, breastfeeding, school options, baby #2 etc.. This child's life has INSPIRED me to take on parenting, community and yoga as my life's work. One that I am so deeply passionate about.  I honor her for giving me the GIFT OF YOU!


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