Food Revolution!

By lil omm , 8:13 AM

If you have not heard of Institute of Integrative Nutrition ( IIN), check it out, NOW. The people, the content, the mission. It’s a must to changing the course of your health and happiness and those around you. The founder, Joshua, is starting a food revolution- and it’s growing! I know at least 4 DC people in the program right now, at least 5 graduates in the DC Area and I just attended a conference with 2,000 IIN students and grads from around the world. This is no joke. This is how we are going to heal ourselves and our families, our relationships to others and our relationship to food. This is the future of our health and our well being, not to mention our children, families and all those we love. 60 % of Americans are overweight. Medication, depression, anxiety, disease, cancer are part of our everyday vocabulary. What are we doing to ourselves? The connection between mind, body, spirit and food is HUGE. It’s everything. and we can change it . slowly, surely and in a fun and meaningful way. Take time today to check out this website integrative and see for yourself.

I just started the program in January because a friend ( who was a graduate) heard me talking about how I really wanted to do the program and it had been on my “vision board” in my “ goals list” for almost 4 years. Just a few days later, she emailed me and told me “I don’t know if you are interested but I have a gift tuition that I ‘d like to offer you. You’d start the program in less than a month.” I was blown away. This amazing gift of something I have wanted to do for so long and all of the sudden all of the obstacles were gone. I know it was all meant to happen. I would not have chosen to do the program this year, with all we have going on. I would have thought “I can’t right now, I’m having another baby, I don’t have time. I have to focus on the studio, Our house is on the market, I have a 3 year old, I’m too busy” All excuses. Instead, I said , “ yes, yes yes, yes” and I have found time to learn. I have made time for this very important work.
Check it out, and if not for now, then the future. Put it on your mental to do list, goals for next 5 years, or chat with me or any of the graduates about it!



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