Prenatal/Postnatal Fitness DVD's

By lil omm , 6:43 PM

Favorite yoga and fitness DVDs!

"Vinyasa Prenatal Yoga" Jennifer Wolfe

“Postnatal with Gurmukh” Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa

“Prenatal with Gurmukh” Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa

“Prenatal Yoga” Anna Getty

“Postnatal Boot Camp 1 and 2 ” Lindsey Brin

“Complete Pregnancy Fitness Program” Lindsey Brin

“Prenatal Yoga” Shiva Rea

“Prenatal/Postnatal Fitness” Erin O’Brien

“Yoga” Max Strom

“Learn to Breathe” Max Strom

“Family Yoga” Rodney Yee


sachin seghal said...

Yoga is often pushed aside as a fitness routine for a flat belly and flexibility. Yoga for pregnancy is focused on the mental aswell as physical fitness of an expectant mother. A lot of people think that once you are pregnant, it is not safe to resume Yoga but this is actually not true. Yoga has amazing benefits for pregnant woman and can greatly help them in reducing birthing complications, provided that pregnancy yoga involves a specific set of postures designed for pregnant women. Yoga will help pregnant women with proper breathing and relaxation techniques which will be beneficial for both themselves and the baby.

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