The Best Parenting Resource

By lil omm , In , , , 11:24 AM

We get asked a lot of questions about resources - for book recommendations, birthing options + education, and good places and organizations you can to go for information.

And while there is nothing quite like a community of like-minded parents helping each other find their path, we also love sticking our noses in a good book, taking a class to broaden our view, or simply do anything that will help us see our relationship with our children in a different light.

I am currently reading Everyday Blessings. A truly empowering parenting book - not one of those books that are simply laundry lists of everything you might be doing wrong. Instead, it focuses on looking inward to find your parenting path. And it is liberating. It reminded me how important it is to choose wisely; a friend of mine recently told me she put all her books away because of how they negative they made her feel. And it made me realize that I enjoyed this book so much because unlike the beginning of my experience with parenting, I now know what I need and want, and seek out information to that end. Don't tell me what to do, help me figure out how to think! A lesson learned, indeed...

But beyond the bookshelf, be sure to look around: there are resources all around you. Yourself - that's the first and perhaps the most important. And remember that you are surrounded by many people who may be going through just the same thing you are, who are ready to share their experiences as well - this hold especially true at places like lil omm, where people come to be part of a community.

Need help getting started? Don't forget the great list of resources we have on our site for new moms, moms to be, parents, kids, and general community opportunities. And take a look at some upcoming workshops: Omm Mama Expo (10/13), Natural Solutions for Cold & Flu Season (10/16) + How to Handle Your Child's Intense Feelings (10/17). We also post many other events on the FB page that are relevant for families.

Truly, mindful parenting is all about staying connected - to yourself, your family, to others. It's about talking, sharing, ask questions of others and yourselves, and most importantly, always learning! Finding the right resources for you is very personal, and is really the first step. Putting the resources and knowledge you have into practice, however, can take a lifetime.


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