Momma Zen

By lil omm , 3:53 AM

While re- reading Momma Zen by Karen Maezen Miller to prepare for our class this week and also for her visit at the end of the month, there was something I couldn't get out of my mind. ( The funny part is, as some of you know.. I am KNEE deep in princess world... Cinderella, Belle, Ariel, etc. )

The last passage of the book, " Queens and princesses, storytellers and teachers, wise women and sages, had given me final instructions. Here in my own house, in my own rocking chair, with my baby curled close and held fast, I had heard them at last. All of it, every bit of it comes down to this: May we all live happily ever after"

Oh, I love it! It's so right on, it's why we do this practice, whether it be meditation, yoga, therapy, read self help books or gab with our friends. We all truly want to be happy. And sometimes, most of the time, that means LESS, that means the real happiness comes in moments we don't expect. True happiness comes in the form of the love that resonates from our hearts into the world, towards our children, our work, our community. It comes from getting our hands dirty while planting, holding on tight before bed, or laughing together in a quiet spot.  It comes from inside of us.

Looking back on my sacred moments with Saylor, they are all personal interactions, between her and I that are the most genuinely filled with happiness. They are quiet connections we make at our home, with no distractions, stresses or others around. And now, being pregnant with baby Milo, it's the same. I send him love and happiness through movement, meditation and touch. I feel genuinely connected and joyful when I am with Milo , fully and presently aware.

So tune in to your life, capture the moments of pure happiness and joy that are simple, and create more space and time to do this work so that we can all live like princesses :)


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