Teachings from a teacher..

By lil omm , 6:26 PM

This past weekend, I got the PLEASURE ( thanks Sonja!) of attending a lecture from one of my teachers, Max Strom. His book has been next to my bed for months, his words of compassion, teachings on breath work, and safe strong yoga has changed my practice and my teaching. In short, I love him.

I promised a number of teachers and students that I'd "take notes" here they are... the golden nuggets, the take aways.. the teachings of Max, through my eyes!

1. One goal of yoga is to be self aware. This manifests through intentions, goals, and knowing our strengths and weaknesses. 

2. What is a cost benefit analysis for our life?  The traditional cost benefit analysis  that we do for our businesses and our finances, DO NOT include our own family health and happiness. The new cost benefit MUST include health, family, happiness because happiness DOES NOT EQUAL pleasure.

3. We actually seek pleasure when we are not happy..  "I had a bad day at work, I'm going to go get a drink" .

4. Happiness is daily experience of a meaningful life.  ( that says it all my friends.. )

5. When unhappy, change your meaningful internal life. Find ways to help others. There is GREAT meaning in helping others.

6. Some questions to help guide your internal priorities .. What are you most proud of in your life?  What do you stand for? Make a statement of what you stand for and think about if that is how you are living your life?  Are you conveying this message to others? 

It's 3am and you have an emergency, whom do you call? Who would you answer the phone for at 3am? Do these phone lists line up- where is there overlap?Where is there disconnect? Are you spending the most time with the people who are most important?

7. Create MORE spare time to do nothing.. with the people you care about, and  do nothing in particular with your family.

8. oh.. I love this.. it's an ancient eastern teaching.. We are all baskets that are full of light and we all  have the same amount of light inside. As you practice self awareness, more piece of the basket are unveiled and more light shines through.  The more we reveal ourselves the more people know who we are, the more light shines through.

Thanks Max for a great afternoon.


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