By lil omm , 4:41 AM

Our favorite personal trainer and former lil omm "TOUGH" teacher Elleni has her fall schedule posted....

What: Boot Camp, $15 per class
When: Thursdays 9:10-10:10 am
Where: Turtle Park
What Do I Need: A mat and one set of dumb bells

I lead a number of in and out-door fitness classes around the DC and Norther VA areas. I specialize in circuit training and bootcamp style classes, as I am a firm believer in total body conditioning every time you work out, even if you only have 20 minutes a day. Interval training is the foundation for every program I create as it is the key to transforming your metabolism for sustained fat-burning through out the day. All of my routines have a strength training and cardio component each designed to shape your physique, raise your metabolism, and improve your energy. We generally work both core and accessory muscle groups using bands, weights, stability balls, and the BOSU. We also perform a variety of bodyweight exercises that work the core, quads, glutes, shoulders and chest such as planks, lunges, squats, and push ups. The cardio components are always changing and can include anything from jumping squats to jumping rope and mountain climbers.

What: In Home Personal Training, $75 per session
When: Whenever You Want
Where: Your Home
What Do I Need: All equipment is provided

I use a holistic approach in assessing your needs and creating a fitness program that is specific to your goals. Before creating a program, we would have a consultation and do some assessments to learn more about your diet, sleep patterns, current exercise patterns, you goals, as well as your past injuries and areas of concern. From there, I would create a fitness program that is specific and unique to you! Regardless of your individual goals, all of my fitness programs are designed to increase your metabolic rate, build strength and increase your cardiovascular endurance. My goal for all of my clients is to FEEL better and stronger and to lead an active and healthy lifestyle.

About Me: I am an NSCA certified personal trainer and ACE group fitness instructor. My area of expertise is in boot camp/circuit training and outdoor fitness programs. I also work one-on-one with clients at Fitness on Run in Old Town Alexandria, VA and have created individual running and strength training programs for endurance sporting events. For more information on me check out my blog at


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