Give a Little, Take a Little...lil omm Swaps

By lil omm , In , , 12:29 PM

It's almost time for that big fall cleanup. As the days get shorter and school approaches, we all look around, take stock, and think, "where did all this stuff come from?"

lil omm to the rescue! Don't forget about two swaps always happening at the studio...

Playroom Toy Swap
Our playroom room isn't that different from your pile of toys at home. The kids have favorites, only to love something else the next week. To keep everyone happy, all are invited to bring toys/books your kids no longer love, and take toys your kids love now. And then repeat, repeat, repeat for happy campers all around (and fewer trips to the toy store).

Book Swap
In the reception area, you'll find a big basket of books and magazines. Feel free to bring some you'd like to share, and take what you'd like to read. Anything is fair game...share and share alike!

Stay tuned for other one-day swaps this fall: clothes, baby gear, etc...have an idea? Share it with us!


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