Bringing Yoga to Life: Living Standards

By lil omm , 12:37 PM

From an old lil omm blog post...always good to reflect and remember on the basic principles and tenets of yoga to live by. Which, if followed will create less suffering and MORE happiness in your life!

These living standards are called the yamasand the niyamasAND THEY REALLY WORK!

So simple to understand, yet much more challenging to live by. Here are they are... good luck and enjoy the journey - it’s quite a ride.

Ahimsa- non harming/non violence towards yourself AND others.

Satya- truthfulness. Tell the truth and be straight with people and yourself.

Asteya- non stealing. Don’t steal.

Brahmacarya- translated many ways.. but I understand it as be faithful and be present to what you are doing. If you are in a sexual relationship then be in that relationship and don’t mess around. If you are kissing someone than be present and kiss them! (don’t think about kissing someone else )
Aparigrapha- non greed- don’t hoard or be greedy! there’s plenty for everyone.

Sauca- purity and cleanliness of the mind and body

Santosa- contentment and gratitude for all that you have.

Tapas- consistency, discipline ( ommit to something and do it!) most often this is translated as burn or heat, meaning to build the internal fire, sweat, move your body.

Svadhyaya- study, learn, engage

Isvarpranidhana- surrender and devotion to... god, divine, spirit, life, breath (there are many translations so it’s important to find something that resonates in your life)


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